Now that the weather is warmer and the days are longer, it’s time to plant your tomatoes!

There’s nothing better than growing your own sweet, plump tomatoes and picking them straight off the vine, and putting them into summer salads. Tomatoes like a warm and sunny spot in the garden, and like to be supported by garden stakes or a climbing frame.

For more information on growing tomatoes, check out our how to guide here.

There are loads of different varieties to choose from, in store now. Below we talk about some of our favourites!

Cherry Tomatoes

Cherry tomatoes are everybody’s favourite for salads, salsas and a light snack. Similar to the small containers found in the fresh section at the supermarket, the plant is compact and convenient because it’s easy to grow, all year round. The plant requires sun, shelter and plenty of water.

Grafted Tomatoes


Grafted plants take up more space in the garden and are more expensive than seedlings. But one single plant produces huge amounts of tomatoes; two plants can provide a season’s supply for a whole family. The difference is that each variety is grafted onto a new set of roots. These roots are of a vigorous disease resistant variety (not necessarily with the tastiest fruit) so that the vigour is passed onto the variety which is grafted on top producing bigger, very high yielding plants of your chosen hybrid variety.


Pear Drop Tomatoes


Pear drop tomatoes are great to plant in the open ground but also look great in pots and containers. Their compact trailing habit also makes them a perfect choice for mixed flower and vegetable planters. Because of the habit of the plants they require very little maintenance apart from regular watering and feeding. The fruits are a bright yellow colour and are spread throughout dense foliage. They are easy to pick and mature throughout the summer over a long period.


Beefsteak Tomatoes


These are great if you want a big, burger sized tomato! They are one of the largest tomato varieties and have great flavour. Each tomato can weigh up to 450g and they are perfect for slicing and putting into your summer sandwiches. Beefsteaks usually fruit later in the season and take around 80-100 days to mature from seedling stage.