This heavy cropper produces large, round fleshy pods of superb flavour, and does well in cooler as well as warm climates.
This climbing bean will need to be planted next to a 2m high trellis or support. Sow beside the trellis or support (up to 2m) in a sunny position with well drained, damp soil. Cover with Yates Black Magic Seed Raising Mix and firm down. Do not water for a couple of days after sowing. Best results are achieved when soil temperature is consistently above 20 degrees Celsius.
Avoid overwatering seeds may rot before germination if soil is too wet. Avoid sowing too early, or sowing into hard, compacted soil. Position trellis running north to south for maximum Sunlight. These perennial beans will die down in autumn and re-emerge in spring.
Germination 7 - 10 days | Maturity 10 - 12 weeks