If you want to grow the biggest, most astounding pumpkin you've ever seen, have a go at this one! The Behemoth Giant Pumpkin seeds grow colossal monster pumpkins, up to 200kg. If they got any bigger, you'd have to move in and live inside one. See how large you can get yours to grow!
Make sure to feed it heaps of fertiliser, so the greedy beast can get really huge. For early sowing, raise in pots of Yates Black Magic Seed Raising Mix in a well-lit, protected spot. Transplant after 3-4 weeks. For direct sowing press 3-4 seeds into mounds of moist soil 1m apart. Later thin to the two strongest plants. Harvest as the vine dies off, and the stalk turns brown.
Germination 7 - 14 days | Maturity 15 - 18 weeks