Tomato Black Russian produce beautiful full flavoured fruit with a rich and velvety appearance. This heavy fruiting variety dates back to the early 1900's and requires staking. The colour of these Black Russian Tomatoes range from deep reds to green and the black colour will appear with maturity and sunlight. Provides an excellent source of Vitamin C, A and E, potassium, fibre and antioxidants. This variety is best eaten fresh and makes a great addition to a salad sandwich
From the golden days of gardening, heirloom seeds have been saved and treasured through the generations. These seeds are grown and preserved as part of The Diggers Club heirloom range.
Sow 5mm deep in trays of seed raising mix. Keep moist and transplant to 10-15cm pots in a sunny, sheltered position. When sturdy enough transfer to final growing position. Can also be sown direct in cropping position. When first truss has set, feed regularly. Pinch out the side shoots as they appear. Harvest when ripe. Seedlings emerge 10-14 days. Sow in early Spring to Summer.