Coleonema Sunset Gold features bright gold foliage all year, with small light pink star like flowers late winter into spring. Plant in full sun and well-drained soil and grows to a height of 1-1.5m. Coleonema Sunset Gold must be in full sun to retain its golden appearance. If planted in shade the foliage will elongate, revert to a more basic green, and the plant will lose form.
The main features of Coleonema Sunset Gold are the bright gold foliage colour, the numerous small flowers in season, the scented foliage, the fine texture of the foliage and overall top qualities suitable for any home garden.
The very small leaves are an indication that it will do well in harsh dry environments, therefore do not over water. After it has been planted for a few weeks it should never be irrigated as it will adapt to drought like conditions. Over watering (watering too often) could lead to root rot and soil borne pests and diseases.
Avoid planting against a wall of a house as it will likely get too big over time and become a nuisance. Planted in open space it will require space at least 1.5 metres in diameter. Planted in groups about 1.5 metres apart it can cover a larger area and create a great display.