Sweet Pea Blue Reflections produce a stunning display of large blooms in shades of blue, mauve and white creates a cascading wall of colour. Another beautiful variety from the world-renowned sweet pea breeder Dr Keith Hammett. An annual that produces large blooms and flowers mid season.
Choose a sunny, well-drained sheltered position. Sow into damp soil beside trellis or support (up to 2m) direct where they are to grow. Cover with Yates Black Magic Seed Raising Mix and firm down. Do not water for a couple of days after sowing. Support small seedlings with twigs until they can reach trellis. For best results have trellis running in a north-south direction. Use seeds of all sizes as seeds of darker coloured flowers are often small and shrivelled. Pick blooms regularly to promote further flowering. At the end of the season improve soil by digging in these nitrogen-rich plants.
Plant height 1.5 - 2m | Germination 10 - 14 days | Flowering 12 - 14 weeks