Zucchini Dark Green is an easy to grow, popular variety with long, even, dark green fruit produced abundantly on vigorous plants. Delicious raw, steamed, baked or in stir-fries. Yates organic seeds have been grown just as nature intended, under strictly controlled, organic, chemical free conditions.
For early sowing, raise in pots of Yates Black Magic Seed Raising Mix in a well-lit, protected spot. Transplant after 2-4 weeks. For direct sowing press 3-4 seeds into the centre of a shallow depression (so that water is directed to plant roots) on top of a raised mound of moist soil 70cm apart. Later thin to the two strongest plants. Great companion plant for Beans, corn, radish, basil and nasturtium. Keep well mulched. Germination 6 - 10 days | Maturity 6 - 8 weeks