Also known as Cilantro, Coriander is a fragrant, fast growing culinary herb and an essential ingredient in many national cuisines. Fresh leaves add a distinctive 'citrus peel' flavour to Thai, Vietnamese, Indian, Chinese, North African and Mexican dishes. All parts of the plant are edible; the fresh leaves, seeds, stems and chopped roots are all used in cooking.
Sow direct where they are to grow. Cover with Yates Black Magic Seed Raising Mix, firm down and keep moist. Grow in full sun in winter, part shade in summer. Mature plants will flower and bolt to seed - when seeds begin to brown, cut stem and place upside down in a paper bag to dry, for use in cooking. Heat reduces Coriander's flavour, so use it raw or add to dishes immediately before serving.
Sow a new batch every two or three weeks, to keep a continuous supply of fresh leaves.
Germination 10 - 12 days | Maturity 6 weeks