Calendula Calexis Orange produces large, blazing orange cactus-shaped flowers, with unique rolled petals. Most of the vibrant, glowing blooms are double, and plants flower profusely. Also known as Pot Marigold, Calendula petals are edible.
An excellent choice for vivid cool season colour in garden beds, pots and for flamboyant cut flowers. Calendula Calexis is a hardy annual that has a dwarf habit which makes it perfect for pots or containers.
Sow direct where they are to grow or into trays of Yates® Black Magic® Seed Raising Mix. Firm down, water gently and keep moist through germination period. Transplant or thin out when 5-7cm high. Choose an open, sunny position that is well drained.
Remove spent blooms to prolong flowering.
Flowers are ideal as an edible garnish, and for adding colour to salads.
Plant height 30cm | Germination 10 - 14 days | Flowering 10 weeks