Radish Amethyst is a uniquely vibrant, bright purple skinned radish with crisp white flesh and mildly spicy flavour. Makes a salad into a striking visual feast, with beautifully contrasting purple and bright white tones. With a mildly spicy taste, Radish Amethyst is great to harvest as baby radishes, and if left to get bigger doesn't get pithy as fast as most varieties. Leaves are delicious added raw to salads.
Sow direct in a sunny, well drained position. Cover, firm down and moisten. Thin to 3-5cm spacing after 2 weeks. Sow successive crops at 2 week intervals.
Great companion plant for beans, carrots, corn, cucumbers, lettuce, parsnips, peas and nasturtiums.
Harvest while roots are young and tender. Mulch well to retain even soil moisture.
Germination 5 - 8 days | Maturity 4 -5 weeks