Pansy Purple Lace is a rich and unique coloured pansy, royally robed in deep purple velvet, trimmed with a fine silver lace edge for contrast. Pansy Purple Lace has compact foliage and excellent weather tolerance. A vigorous performer, abundant flowering for sublime Autumn and Winter displays in pots, hanging baskets or garden beds.
Sow into trays of Yates Black Magic Seed Raising Mix. Cover well, as seeds need to be in darkness to germinate. Firm down, water gently and keep moist but not wet. Transplant when seedlings are large enough to handle. Choose a sunny, well-drained position. Remove spent blooms to prolong flowering. Flowers are edible and can be used to add colour to salads. Plant height 15cm | Germination 21 - 28 days | Flowering 13 weeks