Just because Winter days can be dark and dreary, doesn’t mean your garden has to be!
Here are some of our favourite winter flowers. Perfect for brightening up pots on the patio, or adding to the garden for a boost of colour.
Hellebores (Winter Roses)
Hellebores are shade tolerant and are ideal for use as a ground cover under trees.
Polyanthus are a hardy perennial which come in many colours. Look great in pots or the garden.
Pansies smiling faces bring cheer to the winter garden. Easy to grow and enjoy the sun.
Calendular are great planted in among your vege garden as they draw aphids away from valuable plants. Frost hardy.
Ornamental Kale
Brings texture and interest to your garden. Come in a range of colours and require minimal care.
Camellias are at their peak blooming time in July. Will happily grow in the shade.
Primula Malacoides
Primulas will grow happily in the shade and come in a great range of bright colours.
Also known as a baby pansy, violas delicate small flowers brighten up the winter garden.
Snap Dragon
Snap dragons provide months of wonderful bright and pale colour. Can grow from 1-3 feet tall and will self seed.
These bright blue flowers are a winter favourite (especially with the bees and butterflies).
