As the last leaves of Autumn fall, now is the time to protect your garden from frosts and harvest the ever classic feijoa for warm winter crumbles.

What to plant

Sow seeds of alyssum, calendula, cineraria, cornflower, forget-me-not, lobelia, lupin, nemesia, statice, stock, sweetpea and virginian stock.

Autumn is the best time to plant new trees and shrubs as they can get established over the cooler, wetter winter months. Add some Tui Novatec premium at planting time and tie to a support stake.

Sow seeds of beetroot, broccoli, broad beans, cauliflower, cabbage, carrots, onions, radish, spinach, swedes and turnips directly into your garden bed.

New season’s daphne, camellias and rhododendrons are arriving in store and add welcome colour to the garden in winter and early spring.

It’s your last chance to plant bulbs for a dazzling spring display.

Now is a great time to plant lilies, they are easy to grow and can be planted any time between now and September. Work bulb food into the planting area and cover the bulbs with 10cm of soil

Garlic and shallot bulbs are in store now and can be planted until late July.


As your leeks grow, pile up the soil around the stems to provide support and keep the stem white

Protect young seedlings from slugs and snails with Quash Slug and Snail pellets which are rain resistant, making them longer lasting for winter use.

Reduce watering of houseplants and move them into warmer positions.

Feed citrus trees with Tui Citrus Food to maintain foliage colour and good health.

Bring frost tender patio plants into a sheltered position.

Mulch vegetables and fruit trees with Garden X Compost and mulch.


A greenhouse in the garden will allow you to continue to grow many salad vegetables like lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers and capsicum in spite of cooler temperatures.

Lift dahlia tubers and gladioli corms and store in a dry place ready for planting again in Spring.

Plan new roses to plant and prepare the soil by adding Garden X Compost. Palmers new season’s roses start arriving in store later this month.


Harvest last feijoas, guavas and tamarillos as they ripen.